Don't Ignore These 2 Signs that Your Home Needs an Electrician

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Improving the school security

After hours there aren't many people on our school site, which can make it a popular place for teenagers and the homeless to hang out. We've had some issues recently with vandalism on the weekend and it seemed like it might be useful to improve some our security around the school. Once we installed some CCTV cameras, upgraded our security systems and increased the number of patrols around the school after hours, the vandalism problem plummeted, so we've actually saved a lot of money through those investments. This blog is all about improving school security systems to manage vandalism and other issues.


Don't Ignore These 2 Signs that Your Home Needs an Electrician

28 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Your home's power doesn't need to fail completely for it to need the services of an electrical contractor, as often there are certain repairs that need to be done even if you're still getting power to the outlets. Ignoring signs of these needed repairs can mean allowing them to get worse, and in some cases it can also lead to the increased risk of electrical fire.

Note some common signs that your home needs the services of an electrician and why it's so important that you call an electrical contractor as soon as you notice these signs.

1. One circuit keeps shutting down

A circuit that keeps shutting down often means that your electrical devices are demanding more power than the wires can manage. They get overloaded and in turn, the circuit shuts down in order to protect the wiring and appliances from an electrical surge. While an occasional shutdown can be expected in a home, when a circuits keeps shutting down this is often a sign of this constant overload. This puts your home at risk of an electrical fire, as wires that are overloaded with electricity can become frayed.

An electrical contractor can test the wires of that circuit and note if they are able to support the amount of electricity demanded by all the appliances to which it's wired. You may need to upgrade the wiring so that it can easily support the electricity running along the circuit, or you may need to have certain outlets taken off that circuit so it doesn't get constantly overloaded.

2. You can hear electricity behind the walls

Electricity itself makes no sound as it travels along wires, so if you hear any noise behind your walls when you turn on an electrical appliance, this may be a frayed or bare wire. The electricity will make a popping sound as it reaches this bare spot on the wire and the circuit stops.

The same is true if you think you can smell electricity; it actually has no odor, so you may be smelling something being singed as it comes into contact with electricity itself. In both cases, it's good to call an electrical contractor company like E.T.C.S Electrical & Fire to see if you have bare wires that are allowing electricity to come into contact with building materials such as drywall or insulation.

Your home may be at risk for electrical fire in these cases, or the electricity may continue to do more damage to your home's building material if you ignore the problem.